How to Get Insurance to Pay for Roof Replacement in 5 Easy Steps

When you find yourself with a damaged roof, the best course of action is to have it replaced. Over time, roofs become less durable and more susceptible to damage or rotting. This is why you’ll want to replace your roof once you notice the damage.

Homeowners may become overwhelmed by the thought of needing to replace their entire roof, and the cost of it is the main reason why. But did you know that your insurance will pay for a roof replacement? They will, and this is how to get insurance to pay for roof replacement.

Continue reading for 5 easy steps to ensure that your insurance covers your roof replacement. 

1. Have a Full Understanding of Your Policy

Know all of the ins and outs of your homeowner’s insurance policy. Be sure to read through everything and have a full understanding of what steps you’ll need to take when filing a claim. Some policies require you to report the damage within a certain time frame, otherwise, it becomes null. 

So, as soon as you notice the damage, make the call and file the claim. Also, remember to be very detailed when describing the damage that was done. You’ll want to be clear so that the insurance company knows exactly what the damage is.

Be sure to do your own thorough inspection of the roof before making the call. 

2. Have Regular Inspections and Maintenance Done

Most insurance companies will rely on the hopes of you not having your proper paperwork on hand when they come out to assess the damage. Most companies will ask for before and after pictures, but many homeowners don’t think to randomly take pictures of their roof. Have these pictures available as they will help you in the process.

You’ll also want to have regular inspections and maintenance done on your roof to prove that it’s been well taken care of. Keep all receipts and paperwork showing this so that you can use it in your claim. 

3. Prepare for an Investigation

Do prepare for your insurance company to come out and do an investigation of their own. It’s important to schedule to have this done as soon as possible after learning of the damage. An inspector will come out and determine if the damage was caused by normal wear and tear normal for aging roofs, or if the damage is legitimate. 

This is where those regular inspections and maintenance comes into play. If you show proof that you’ve had these done regularly, then you’re on the right path. 

4. Have an Estimate of the Damage in Hand

Another item that your insurance company might request is an estimate completed by a licensed roofing contractor. Be sure that you provide your insurance company with a detailed estimate and proof that the roofing company is both licensed and insured. 

If you hire a roofing company that has experience working with estimates and roof replacements for insurance companies, then they will be able to help you through the process. 

5. Hire a Roofing Company Experienced in Working With Insurance Companies

Hiring a roofing company that’s experienced in working with insurance companies is the best way to ensure an approved replacement claim. When selecting the right roofing company for your roof replacement, be sure to check out their reviews. Good reviews are a great way to show a company’s professionalism and hard work. 

Speak to the roofing company and learn how to handle the claim in the proper way. Have all of your information ready to present to the insurance company.

Knowing How to Get Insurance to Pay for Roof Replacement Is Simple

If you’re not sure how to get insurance to pay for roof replacement, then this easy to follow guide is the best way to ensure that they do cover it. Follow these steps and hire a roofing company that’s experienced in working with insurance companies. 

See how we can help you get your insurance to cover the full cost of your roof replacement today!

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